Jul 17

Feature Updates!

Hey everyone!  We have one bug fix and one new feature.  Previously, the keyword autofill feature was only working when editing existing notes, not when a new one had just been created.  But now, it works right when a new note is created.

In addition, we have added the ability to manage which scripture reference is the primary one.  When you print out your PDF of your notes, the note only prints with the main scripture reference.  This avoids printing the note with every single reference linked to it.  For the other references, it will redirect you to the primary one.  This way, you don’t lose any of the references, and you only have it printed out in one place.

We hope you are enjoying your study journal!

Enlightening Gospel Study System


We’ve got a way to completely overhaul your scripture study. Take a look at what our study journal has to offer.

The Gospel study journal:

  • provides you with the full LDS scriptures online
  • allows you to quickly retrieve notes and thoughts that you have recorded.
  • you can print your journal notes out at any time.
  • makes it easy to share thoughts and ideas with others.
  • makes it easy to remember the entire thought you had when you made the note.
  • allows for new inspiration – not bind you to only what you’ve already learned.
  • helps keep your scriptures from wearing out because of over-marking them.
  • helps prevent losing all of your notes should your scriptures get lost.
  • provides some structure without being overly rigid.

The journal entries you create can be linked together. You can tag them with keywords. You can link scripture references to them. Entries may also contain citations from other books which you feel are relevant.

Take a look at the QuickStart Guide or watch this video to see how easy it is to use:

We want to your feedback!

Please leave thoughts, comments, and suggestions on our Contact Us page.

Dec 02

LDS Study Tools – RSS Feeds

There are myriad ways to communicate and disseminate information on the Internet. One that helps me keep up with news is called RSS (or Really Simple Syndication). These types of feeds are great for retrieving the latest articles and information directly from a website. This only works if the site offers RSS feeds, of course. You just copy the feed link from the site and put it into your RSS reader.

Of the thousands available, there are a few RSS feeds that will give you news and current events of the Church. Some give you access to wonderful articles on Gospel topics. Yet others will provide you with academic or scholarly research done on other theological subjects.

I wanted to provide you with a list of RSS feeds that I have found to be most related to the Church and Gospel. They are listed below:

So grab your favorite RSS feed reader and load those feeds into it. They are quite enlightening and informative.

Do you have other LDS RSS feeds that you really like? Post them in the comments below so we can share them with everyone.

Take a look at some of the other Gospel study tools that there are available.

Nov 26

Unique Gospel Study System

We’ve got a way to completely overhaul your scripture study. Take a look at what our study journal has to offer.

The Gospel study journal:

  • provides you with the full LDS scriptures online
  • allows you to quickly retrieve notes and thoughts that you have recorded.
  • you can print your journal notes out at any time.
  • makes it easy to share thoughts and ideas with others.
  • makes it easy to remember the entire thought you had when you made the note.
  • allows for new inspiration – not bind you to only what you’ve already learned.
  • helps keep your scriptures from wearing out because of over-marking them.
  • helps prevent losing all of your notes should your scriptures get lost.
  • provides some structure without being overly rigid.

The journal entries you create can be linked together. You can tag them with keywords. You can link scripture references to them. Entries may also contain citations from other books which you feel are relevant.

Take a look at the QuickStart Guide to see how easy it is to use.

We want to your feedback!

Please leave thoughts, comments, and suggestions on our Contact Us page.

Nov 11

Free Gospel Study Journal

Would you like to have the perfect scripture study journal? One that you will never lose? The Gospel study journal offered at LDSScriptureStudy.com is just what you’re looking for. You can have your notes online, printed out, or both.

The Gospel study journal will:

  • allow you to quickly retrieve notes and thoughts that you have recorded.
  • make it easy to share thoughts and ideas with others.
  • make it easy to remember the entire thought you had when you made the note.
  • allow for new inspiration – not bind you to only what you’ve already learned.
  • help keep your scriptures from wearing out because of over-marking them.
  • help prevent losing all of your notes should your scriptures get lost.
  • provide some structure but without being overly rigid.

The journal entries you create can be linked together. You can tag them with keywords. You can link scripture references to them. Entries may also contain citations from other books which you feel are relevant.

To create your free Gospel study journal, visit http://www.ldsscripturestudy.com/

For a more detailed explanation of how the study journal works, see “The Study Journal.”

Sep 05

LDS Scripture Study

We’ve got a way to completely overhaul your scripture study. Take a look at what our study journal has to offer.

The Gospel study journal:

  • provides you with the full LDS scriptures online
  • allows you to quickly retrieve notes and thoughts that you have recorded.
  • you can print your journal notes out at any time.
  • makes it easy to share thoughts and ideas with others.
  • makes it easy to remember the entire thought you had when you made the note.
  • allows for new inspiration – not bind you to only what you’ve already learned.
  • helps keep your scriptures from wearing out because of over-marking them.
  • helps prevent losing all of your notes should your scriptures get lost.
  • provides some structure without being overly rigid.

The journal entries you create can be linked together. You can tag them with keywords. You can link scripture references to them. Entries may also contain citations from other books which you feel are relevant.

Take a look at the QuickStart Guide or watch this video to see how easy it is to use:

We want to your feedback!

Please leave thoughts, comments, and suggestions on our Contact Us page.

Mar 01

26 New E-Books Available!

There are now a list of 26 new ebooks available on the Books and References page. A few of the titles include “Mormon Doctrine,” “Gospel Doctrine,” “President Woodruff’s Manifesto,” and many others. Some of the authors include works by B. H. Roberts, Joseph Fielding Smith, and James E. Talmage to name a few. If you’re looking to add to your collection of ebooks, take a look at the Books and References page.

May 09

New Feature: Export Your Notes as a PDF

Recently, we've done some work on the Study Journal.  You now have the ability to export your notes as a PDF.  When you first log in, look for this icon in the upper-right corner of your notes list:

Export Notes as PDF

You will get a message saying that your request has been sent, and that it will be emailed to you once the system is done generating it.

The PDF is divided into three sections.

Section One

The first section lists out your notes in order of the note number.  This allows you to quickly look up a note number, see the title, and see the main scripture to which it is linked, along with the main keyword with which you have tagged it.  This section is formatted in much the same manner as the note list you see when you first log into your Study Journal.  For example:

Example of Section One

Section Two

This is where the notes actually appear.  The notes appear in order of the LDS Edition of the Standard Works: Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and then The Pearl of Great Price.  Each note may have one or more scripture references attached to it.  To save space, the note only appears in its entirety at the primary scripture reference.  At all subsequent references, you are directed to take a look at the primary scripture reference.

For example, I have a note called "The Effects of the Atonement on the State of Man."  Its primary scripture reference is 2 Nephi 2:1-30.  So the full note appears there.  However, I also have this note linked to Genesis 2:17.  In the PDF, when I look up Genesis 2:17, I see this:

Subsequent Scripture References

This way, we don't include the entire note in every reference to which it is linked.  Otherwise, the PDF may be several times bigger than it needs to be.  This can be a problem if you like to print it out.

Section Three

This is where notes are organized according to the keywords with which you have tagged them.  You can see notes that have similar keywords.  Let's say I wanted to study "revelation."  I could open my PDF, go to the third section, and take a look at the entry for "revelation."  It looks like this:

Revelation Keyword Example

This is helpful if you want to see all the notes you have tagged with a particular keyword.  It comes in handy if you want to study a particular topic, or if you need to write a talk on a specific subject.

Hopefully, this makes using your Study Journal a little easier.  Keep in mind that you can print the PDF if you like to have it in your hand like a book.  You can also put it into your smartphone or tablet for easy reference.

Mar 04

New Version Released!

We are pleased to announce that a new version of the study journal has been released.  Most of the updates had to do with notes not saving properly.  The note editor has also been updated.  A few other minor things were fixed as they were found.  If you would like a free LDS Scripture Study journal, claim yours at http://www.ldsscripturestudy.com/ .  We always welcome feedback!  Please let us know about your experience on our Contact Page.