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Youtube Channels

Take a look at the following youtube channels.  Subscribe to the ones that speak the most to you.

  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • BYU Speeches
  • BYU Magazine
  • BYU Religious Education
  • Book of Mormon Videos
  • ComeUntoChrist.org
  • The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square
  • Church Newsroom
  • General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ


There is no small supply of the written word which we can study to learn more about the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Available only recently in our age, we have additional channels through which we can study the Gospel.  Audio and video, podcasts, and downloads of many kinds can now be found all throughout the Internet.  This page will become the location for everything of which I am aware that falls into these categories.

A number of very decent podcast applications (or “podcatching” software) is available.  Some of the better ones for Windows include MediaMonkey, Juice, or Ziepod. For Android devices, you may wish to check out PodKicker or BeyondPod.  RocketPlayer also plays static playlists.  Perhaps someone could suggest some good ones for the iPhone.

Rather than entering each subscription on this page one at a time, grab the podcast subscription file below.  You can then import it into your podcatching software.  This will give you a subscription to every podcast listed on this page.  At that point, you can simply prune out the ones you don’t care to keep.

Podcast subscription file (OPML format)


You may have to right-click and select “save link as…” or “save target as…” to download the file to your computer.


Video Podcasts

  • Prophets and Apostles Speak Today—Unto All the World
  • Book of Mormon Stories (in HD)
  • Mormon Messages
  • General Conference
  • LDS General Conference

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